
泽维尔- mongin博客作者- 150 x160
4월 08, 2022

受到前所未有的破坏, 酒店业正在适应新常态带来的回报.

Disruptions in society have traditionally been caused by innovation such as the industrial or technological revolution, 或者受到战争等危机所施加的限制, 自然灾害, 和大流行. however, not since World War Two has our planet been so globally affected by a singular incident capable of unleashing unprecedented societal transformation. 转眼间,全球卫生危机重新定义了人们的生活方式, work, 并相互交流. Families were separated, businesses toppled, and our sense of normal was knocked off its axis. 不过,并不是所有人都输了, 正如人类在逆境中振作起来, 适应性和弹性开始发挥作用, 团结起来对抗无形的敌人,迈向新常态.


2020年,疫情严重破坏了全球酒店业. airlines, hotels, 游船和渡轮, 餐厅, 还有主题公园, 等, 都被低, 在某些情况下, 零活动. 2020年5月, 欧洲的酒店入住率受到该病毒的影响最为严重, 入住率为13%.3%——与去年相比,这一数字下降了82%.3 percent . 另外, the IATA WATS 21 reports identified a plunge in the Revenue Passengers Kilometers (RPK) to nil in April 2020 .
随着酒店业以闪电般的速度陷入赤字, “万维天文, operators were left to cope with strict regulation changes and un可预测的 financial support that varied from country to country.


As the medical profession and politicians worked to contain the spread of the virus until a vaccine or cure could be found, 酒店业开始适应. 在一些国家, 在某些领域, 酒店供应商开始在以前难以想象的条件下开展业务.

迅速实施新的指导,包括戴口罩, 强制性PCR检测, 温度检查/热像仪, 新的过境规定, 检疫措施, 场地的容量限制, 保持社交距离和非接触互动, 灵活的取消政策, and more, 是否被专业人士和客户所接受, 随着火狐体育手机适应新常态.

当采取措施时, 2020年第三季度,在新优惠的鼓励下,新的旅游收入组合开始出现:


•商务旅行, 哪个曾经是最好的利润来源, plunged to nil while domestic leisure started to rise with the upcoming summer break



• The emerging bleisure trend ― a combination of business and leisure ― accelerated Gen Y’s expected work-life balance

•改造酒店以容纳隔离设施, 医务人员住宿甚至医院要求

航空运输部门也发生了重大变化. 随着电子商务的蓬勃发展, 该火狐体育手机面临着货运量的大幅增长, 客机停在停机坪上. 即使在这里, the industry rallied with new ideas as companies bought old passenger aircraft to convert to cargo.


一些分析师预计,到2023年,这一数字将回到2019年, no one really knows for sure as there are no existing similar models from the past upon which to base these predictions. 很明显,世界正在适应, 它对付病毒的弹性也是如此, 地缘政治紧张局势, 以及我们每天都会遇到的其他危险.

不管病毒怎么了, 在我们的工作方式上,我们都是这个新常态的参与者, consume, interact, and travel. 而且,变化对我们来说并不新鲜. 在过去, 9/11等事件彻底改变了航空运输, 以及使电子商务在零售领域出现的技术, and taxi and food delivery with uber-like services have forced us to adapt to new ways of doing things.

那么,酒店业的新常态会是什么样子呢? 大流行期间采取的一些做法已经开始逐渐消失, 问题是,还剩下什么? 它们会带来什么样的挑战?


Following are four key trends we believe will influence the hospitality sector moving forward:

1. 商务旅行减少: Many internal meetings or courtesy visits that used to take place in-person are now conducted online. 这对航空公司和酒店产生了重大影响, as business travelers globally that use the best airlines and hotels generate more profit for the industry. Less business travel means we will see a shift in revenue balance between business and leisure travel. While corporate travel is easier to anticipate as it has traditionally been based on a regular volume of bookings through the same airlines and hotel chains, 休闲旅游的波动性要大得多,尤其是有了Airbnb这样的选择, 廉价航空公司, 和网上旅行社.

2. 旅行的叠加: 你可能已经听说过了. During the pandemic, airlines and hotels offered more flexible conditions to cancel bookings. 对冲他们的赌注, 旅行者会在同一时间段内预订几次旅行,然后取消, 尽可能晚, 那些对他们不起作用的. for example, 预定一次为期5天的埃及家庭旅行将是a计划, 在母国度假一周是备用计划. 如果情况有变,旅行者就会取消A计划而转向B计划. While the flexibility works for the traveller, it is not so kind to the hotel and airline industries. As uncertainty lingers travellers are still not quite comfortable making non-refundable reservations. Companies that remove flexible cancellation risk losing reservations to competitors.

3. bleisure: “休闲”指的是兼具商务和休闲的旅行. With the spike in working from home the barrier between work and personal life is more blurred than ever. 虽然这个概念并不新鲜, 如今,休闲已成为一种潮流, 甚至还有额外津贴, 公司和员工在哪里看到了互惠互利, 类似于在家工作.

休闲是否意味着在你的假期工作, 或者带着你的家人一起出差,有时间放松一下, bleisure is challenging hoteliers with new requirements including: the type of hotel travellers want to stay at; the duration of the stay; preferred destinations; and guest services, 等. Some chains like Marriott or Accor have already acknowledged the trend and have embraced it as an opportunity.

4. 在线旅行社(ota)——一个关键角色: 在过去十年中, OTAs have become a significant player that hotels cannot disregard if they want to optimise their bookings. 不幸的是,这种最简单的方式是有成本的. 在线旅行社能够证明他们向酒店经营者收取的(平均)25%的费用是合理的, 基于他们卓越的数字参与度, 数十亿美元投资于广告, 以及他们日益增长的成功.

使用在线旅行社的客人可以有更多的住宿选择, 便于价格比较, 以及始终如一的卓越数字体验——所有这些都是免费的!

随着在线旅行社变得越来越全球化, the massive traveller data they collect will position them to move into the traditional travel agency space of managing the entire traveller journey providing airline tickets, car rental, 协调酒店入住, 还有娱乐.


世界变了. Previous booking and occupancy patterns are gone forever which means forecasting occupancy will be very difficult. Hotels are adapting room rates based on their bookings and the bookings of surrounding hotels in the same category. Dynamic Pricing enabled by Revenue Management Systems (RMS) are helping hoteliers maximise sales and profits every day. similarly, airlines are adjusting their price-per-seat in real-time based on remaining available seats for a given flight, 以及竞争航空公司的价格. 不管大流行后的世界是什么样子, adapting to address the four key trends will enable the 酒店火狐体育手机 to move forward through what has truly been an unprecedented time of disruption.

好消息是 酒店火狐体育手机 is positioned to take advantage of technology trends and finance options that existed in other sectors prior to the pandemic. simple, 可预测的, worry-free solutions that don’t require major capital investments will be critical to provide flexibility and agility going forward. 基于云的解决方案 and Software as a Service (SaaS) models will enable the 酒店火狐体育手机 to succeed as we settle into the new normal.

泽维尔- mongin博客作者- 150 x160



泽维尔Mongin is the Global Director for the hospitality sector at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, 总部设在迪拜. 他在酒店火狐体育手机有20多年的经验. 在此之前,他负责管理东南欧, africa, turkey, 印度和中东/非洲地区. Xavier is an excellent communicator with extensive experience in complex negotiations across diverse cultures. 渴望分享他的经验和对创新的热情, he has co-founded a number of entrepreneurship ventures and mentored multiple start-ups.

泽维尔是法国商业委员会的成员, 法国技术迪拜和超级高铁运输技术贡献者.



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