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Aster was looking to build a solid network foundation for their new hospital in UAE to support 24x7 access to medical data and critical healthcare applications.

  • 国家:阿拉伯联合酋长国
  • 领域:健康
  • 解决方案: 彩虹, 数据中心, 统一通信, 自治网络, 数字时代网络

阿斯特DM医疗保健 is one of the largest private healthcare service providers operating across the Middle East. With an inherent emphasis on clinical excellence, the company is one of the few entities in the region with a strong presence across primary, 二次, tertiary and quaternary healthcare through its 25 hospitals, 117家诊所和238家药房.

It is important for us to have a solid network foundation to support 24/7 operations across our healthcare facilities. We use Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s services in other Aster facilities across the UAE, and we appreciate the level of engagement and exceptional post-deployment support we receive. Our new special 55-bed COVID-19 treatment facility was made operational in record time, 这是令人印象深刻的.
Dr. Sherbaz Bichu, CEO, Aster Hospitals



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