
七月 16, 2020

数字酒店解决方案可以实现安全, efficient, contactless guest experience as the industry navigates the post-pandemic world.

感谢您加入本系列的第三篇博客,我们一起来看看 hospitality industry in 2020 and beyond. 如果你错过了前两期,你可以在这里找到它们:



随着世界适应大流行后的现实, 酒店的客人想要安全感和安全感, 与此同时,他们也想充分利用他们的逗留时间. 随着酒店业的自我改造, hoteliers are tasked with redesigning the guest journey by reducing human interactions to keep the virus at bay. 随着数字化,技术变得至关重要, 非接触式服务取代了面对面的互动. However, key to successfully introducing new technology is the goal of making guests’ lives easier in an unobtrusive way.

Today, most guests travel with several mobile devices such as a smartphone, tablet, and laptop. Hyper-connected guests who use their smartphone for day-to-day operations will welcome a hotel app that provides value. However, other guests who perhaps are not as comfortable with a state-of-the-art smartphone may not be as willing, or have the know-how, to install a new application. 无论客人的情况如何,酒店都必须能够满足每个人的需求.

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随着火狐体育手机重新站稳脚跟, it’s anticipated that remote interactions during the customer decision phase will increase, 大多数互动都发生在网上. This creates a perfect opportunity for hotels to re-launch websites and introduce mobile apps. Re-vitalizing the online presence to make it more appealing and interactive can help shorten the decision process and close more bookings earlier.

新技术可以帮助酒店经营者吸引客人. For example, a virtual tour based on augmented reality lets potential clients experience the hotel surroundings before they arrive. 一旦客户的注意力被抓住, 他们可以轻松快捷地与酒店互动,只需点击一下. With 阿尔卡特朗讯企业彩虹™ api实时通信,如聊天, 语音和视频可以很容易地集成到酒店网站或移动应用程序中. As well, our partner QuickText, estimates that with their voice assistant—a natural language chatbot capable of autonomously answering common questions—hotels can increase direct online revenues by approximately 9%.

入住期间:非接触式、个性化 guest experience

传统上,客人入住的第一步是登记入住. 人们在大厅排队的画面, 与接待人员交换文件, 处理物理钥匙将成为过去式, 或者至少显著减少. With online registration from a guest application contactless check-in will become the new norm.

Another alternative will be the introduction of self-registration kiosks in the lobby. 集成了热成像摄像机的智能售货亭, document scanning and facial recognition can make the entire registration procedure easier and safer and  minimize human interaction. A small number of hotel staff will still be available for traditional check-in, 或根据客人要求协助自助服务亭.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Digital Age Networking 提供了许多技术来支持这些不同的签入选项. IoT enablement 允许安全和自动登机的信息亭, 数字标牌或扫描仪需要连接到网络. 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniAccess®恒星定位服务(LBS) 是否能察觉到有预订的客人何时到达酒店大堂. And, Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow Workflow 可以发送个性化的欢迎信息吗, trigger an automatic check-in, 下载数字钥匙并引导客人进入房间.


The smart guestrooms, a trend that we explored in 2019, will help make guest stays more comfortable. Remote control room automation is increasingly interesting as we move toward a contactless environment, as it allows guests to control the lighting and room temperature without having to touch physical switches. The combination of remote room controls along with access and the ability to order hotel services in a single guest application is the ideal offering.

Today there are multi-platform solutions available that allow the deployment of eConcierge applications on various devices. 对于不愿意使用自己设备的客人, an in-room tablet or an IPTV could provide a single point of control for the room and services.

Mobile apps create an even wider spectrum of possibilities for hotels to reduce personal contact with hotel staff while making services available to guests not only in the rooms, but in and around the venue. 让这一切顺利进行, 酒店必须提供优质的服务, pervasive Wi-Fi to ensure that guests can use the hotel app anywhere to seamlessly get the information they need, 请求服务或寻求帮助. 阿尔卡特-朗讯全接入恒星无线局域网, 客人在酒店享受优越的Wi-Fi服务, 所以他们可以在任何地方访问他们需要的任何东西, on any mobile device.

Additionally, 有了室内定位服务,酒店运营商可以提供情境, dynamic and personalized notifications and offers to guests as they move throughout the property. Large resorts might consider implementing a people tracking service that would enable them to provide ubiquitous offerings, 例如,把饮料和食物送到客人所在的地方, or a service for guests to stay informed about where other members of their group or family are in the facility. ALE LBS, 彩虹工作流支持, leverage OmniAccess Stellar WLAN infrastructure to provide these capabilities.

ALE also works together with a large ecosystem of hospitality solution providers. For example Tapendium, 将彩虹语音集成到其室内平板电脑应用程序中, 使酒店能够消除房间电话, and Hudini, whose multi-platform eConcierge solution can be installed on guests' mobile devices as well as on hotel tablets and IPTVs. These integrations enable seamless communication between guests and hotel staff, increase guest mobility and ultimately help build customer loyalty and satisfaction.


After the stay: See you soon

Finally, when leaving the hotel, interactions with staff should also be kept to a minimum. Express check-out is a common practice already widely available in many hotels and is sure to be more common going forward. With new technology hotels can offer express check-out from room devices or from the guest's mobile application. The process can be personalized with a customized farewell message when the guest leaves the hotel, 包括对未来住宿有用的信息, 比如新的折扣或其他优惠.

Similar to check-in, 签出功能是使用ALE网络基础设施实现的, 包括OmniAccess Stellar Wi-Fi, OmniAccess Stellar LBS, 和彩虹工作流为酒店客人提供服务.

请查看本系列的最后一篇博客,我们将深入了解 调动后台(BOH)操作.


Ana Mata


Ana Mata joined Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in 2008 and has developed several roles in the company since then.

她目前是网络解决方案的全球业务线经理, focused on the sales enablement and evolution of different network product lines, including WLAN, SASE和SD-WAN以及基于云的网络管理.

安娜以前在政府和酒店火狐体育手机工作过, 支持ALE的垂直转型.

She holds a degree in Mathematics BSc from the Complutense University of Madrid, followed by a postgraduate master from the Department of Statistics and Operations Research.



woman during a presentation


An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.

A man looking at a laptop


Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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Educational institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet today’s new requirements.

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A modern, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
